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標題: Pop legend Michael Jackson dead
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註冊 2006-10-7
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發表於 2009-6-26 09:50  資料 文集 短消息 
Pop legend Michael Jackson dead

Pop icon Michael Jackson has died, a Los Angeles County Coroner's office spokesman has confirmed.

Lieutenant Fred Corral told CNN that Jackson, 50, was pronounced dead at 2.26pm on Thursday local time, (0726 AEST Friday) after reportedly suffering a cardiac arrest.

The entertainment TMZ website reported Jackson suffered a cardiac arrest earlier on Thursday afternoon and paramedics were unable to revive him.

Earlier, a fire department official told the Los Angeles Times that Michael Jackson had been rushed to the hospital.

Steve Ruda told the newspaper on Thursday that Jackson was not breathing when Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics responded to a call at his Los Angeles home about 12.30pm.

The paramedics performed CPR and took him to UCLA Medical Center, Ruda told the paper.

Meanwhile, Michael's father Joe Jackson told E! Online he was aware of the emergency but did not know further details.

"I am in Las Vegas, but yes, people in Los Angeles called me and are with Michael and tell me he was taken to the hospital," he said. "I am not sure what's wrong. I am waiting to hear back from them."

The reports came as Jackson prepared to make a keenly anticipated concert comeback in London, his first series of shows in more than a decade and the first since his 2005 acquittal on child molestation charges.

However those concerts -- billed as the "final curtain" -- had been thrown into doubt after Jackson pushed back the opening dates last month.

Organisers of the concerts had stressed the delay was not linked to Jackson's health.

Promoters and producers AEG Live said the rescheduling was done because of the "sheer magnitude" of the show and the desire for fans attending the opening nights to get the same experience planned for all 50 shows.

In a press conference from the United States broadcast over the Internet, AEG Live president Randy Phillips was asked about Jackson's health and said: "I would trade my body for his tomorrow. He's in fantastic shape."

While Jackson reigned as the King of Pop in the 1980s, his once-stellar career had been overshadowed by his colourful public behaviour, his startling physical transformation and multiple allegations of child abuse.

Jackson lived as a virtual recluse following his 2005 acquittal on charges including child molestation and plotting to kidnap his young accuser.

Despite his acquittal, the trial was a body blow from which the pop music superstar struggled to recover.

Four years later, Jackson is still worshipped by fans for revolutionising music, dance and music videos at the peak of his success.

The attention however paid to him in recent years has been less flattering, focusing on apparent cosmetic surgery -- which he denies -- his baby dangling antics and a decade of swirling child abuse allegations.

Jackson's close friend Uri Geller, the television psychic, said he was "devastated" at the news of the pop star's death - and admitted he still hoped it was not true.

"I'm just devastated, very very sad. I pray that his soul is up there now," Geller told the BBC, after multiple US news outlets reported Jackson's death.

"I'm still trying to hold on to the glimmer that it is not true. It is too surreal for me to absorb that Michael is no longer with us."

The man responsible for co-writing Jackson Five hits, ABC and I Want You Back, says the genius in Michael Jackson was buried just beneath the surface when he was a young boy.

American Deke Richards, who helped put together the hit-making production team The Corporation which had an affiliation with Motown, told AAP on Friday he was deeply saddened by the death.

"I am fortunate to have worked with the genius of Michael Jackson and I am very, very sad of his passing.

"He is a talent that will not soon be forgotten.

"He always gave more than he got.

"In the small period of time I helped mould the clay of Michael Jackson, the genius was deep within him.

"I feel honoured to have worked with him."

http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/ent ... chael-jackson-dead/
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註冊 2006-10-7
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發表於 2009-6-26 09:52  資料 文集 短消息 
Rest in Peace, MJ

[ 本帖最後由 阿管 於 2009-6-26 09:54 編輯 ]
Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

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來自 SG
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發表於 2009-6-26 15:20  資料 文集 短消息 
今天一早起床就看到了这则新闻. 一开始还以为看错了.

虽然我不是他的粉丝, 但却是听着他的歌长大的. 到现在还是有”流行音乐=MICHAEL JACKSON”的概念.

"A major strand of our cultural DNA has left us"

RIP Michael Jackson

이제 내 마음은 당신의 사랑이 늘 행복하기를...바랍니다...
Rank: 4

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註冊 2006-12-16
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發表於 2009-6-26 20:25  資料 短消息 
RIP Michael Jackson  ∼∼∼ 永遠的歌壇巨星


無意間發現 Michael Jackson  也曾是金城武喜歡的歌星之一


他應該也很難過吧 ...

[ 本帖最後由 小育 於 2009-6-29 22:51 編輯 ]
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註冊 2006-12-20
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發表於 2009-6-27 00:48  資料 文集 短消息  Yahoo!
Smooth Criminal

我最喜歡的一個 MV,感覺很大製作

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註冊 2006-10-8
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發表於 2009-6-27 13:27  資料 短消息 
阿管,你貼的 Video 我在的地方已不能打開

我不算是 MJ 的 Fans 但也很欣賞和喜歡他.
他帶了很多快樂給我們, 他的才華是不會被遣忘的

在他眾多歌曲中, 我最愛的是他年幼時唱的 “Ben”,

近年生活在風雨中的他, 今天安息了, 願祝他在新的國度快樂,幸福.

Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
Ill never be alone
And you my friend will see
Youve got a friend in me
(youve got a friend in me)

Ben, youre always running here and there
(here and there)
You feel youre not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind
And dont like what you find
Theres something you should know
Youve got a place to go
(youve got a place to go)

I used to say, I and me
Now its us, now its we
(I used to say, I and me)
(now its us, now its we)

Ben, most people would turn you away
I dont listen to a word they say
They dont see you as I do
I wish they would try to
Im sure theyd think again
If they had a friend like ben
(a friend)
Like ben
(like ben)
Like ben

[ 本帖最後由 sara 於 2009-6-27 13:48 編輯 ]
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 38
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註冊 2006-10-8
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發表於 2009-6-27 13:36  資料 短消息 
This is the song he sing..he emotes..

....better sound for this version

MJ, you never be alone, we always with you

[ 本帖最後由 sara 於 2009-6-27 13:41 編輯 ]

發表於 2009-6-29 01:16 
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發表於 2009-7-8 00:45 
再見麥可 美特種部隊護送遺體進追思會場

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發表於 2009-7-8 01:04 
回復 #1 露希法 的帖子

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註冊 2010-4-15
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發表於 2010-6-9 22:22  資料 短消息 
回復 #1 阿管 的帖子

今天忽然想起,再有15天,就是MJ去世一周年的忌辰了。想必全世界的MJ迷們又會組織一些紀念活動吧 。 我不算是一個真正的MJ 歌迷,但是卻喜歡他的很多的歌曲 。在他在世的時候,有很多有關他的負面消息,尤其是在他在世的最後幾年 。 現在已經人去樓空,就讓那些新聞也都隨風而逝吧 。而永遠留在人們心中的,我想是他的歌聲吧




最後,我還想與大家分享MJ的歌。 出自1993年的電影‘free willy' , 這是一部講述一個男孩和一頭虎鯨友誼的故事。55的前世是海豚。 雖然虎鯨和海豚的差別很大,但是它們都是喜歡在海中自由暢遊的生物。所以,從這一點上來講,它們還是有相同點的

Michael Jackson: Will you be there

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