Thanks everyone! Wow, I feel love is in the air
Littlejan, thanks for your compliments

I graduated with a mass communications degree, so I should have done better. Better till next time
Sara, you mentioned about the spot light. This picture I deliverably used lesser white balance and added ND effects. See which one do you prefer. Actually, I took more than 60 shots on TK (*crazy*) but for some reasons, I like picture 2 the most. If a TK's fans is out on the Queensway Highway, my caution is: "Watch out the traffic!" I couldn't resist myself to look back on the Poster Wall inside a taxi last night. That's pretty easy to cause an accident if I were the driver.
Btw, because of the forum HTML margin, this latest photo and photo 4 in my previous message are not perfectly resized. I suggest interested supporters to click on the URL link as provided.
Photo 5 - TK under "spot light"