Here comes 1 of 8 of Beijing Cat's clip. Enjoy!
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Before I start, I must say that he looks and sounds so sincere throughout the session. I am deeply touched by this.
This guy, you (or me rather) just got to love him.
(Came in, sat down, waited for 5seconds, no one said anything)
TK: No questions? (Pretended to leave the room)
Everyone: Yes! Lots of questions…
Jing-er (fans from Shanghai): Xiao Wu… (Little Wu, only those who loves him as much as we do will call him by this name) (Beijing cat corrected: Not Xiao WU, Jing Cheng Wu)
Jing-Er: Jing Cheng Wu, I want to ask about the last scene at which you killed Jet Li, Cheng Xiao Dong (the martial art director for this film) said that it is very distinguished; you also said that it was a difficult scene for you. Was it hard because of the actions that you have to do or the way you have to handle your emotion? Were you worried about being hit by Jet Li?
TK: No, it was hard because the directors put a lot of emphasis on the last scene, and they usually have many ideas about the last scene. As it is the last scene, everyone tried to present the best for this major scene to get the best result. We spend a lot of time in planning and thinking over and over how we would like it to be done. In the end the director chose this style as he wanted us to express the story rather than trying to do the right thing. During the process of shooting, in getting the correct perspectives, it wasn’t simple but not hard either. But we needed rain for that scene and some computerised background to be added to the scene and those are the things that made it hard.
Jing-er: how many days did it take you?
TK: How many days? (thinking hard) around one week
Jing-er: Did you hurt yourself?
TK: erm…. I don’t remember
Jing-er: Thank you
TK: (quietly) you’re welcome
To be continued….
本帖最後由 tulip 於 2007-12-10 22:41 編輯 ]