標題: 《喜歡你.This is not what I expected》-男人手冊: 北京電影發布會 15 March, 2017 [打印本頁] 作者:
阿管 時間: 2017-3-14 08:05 標題: 《喜歡你.This is not what I expected》-男人手冊: 北京電影發布會 15 March, 2017
2:00pm -- 發布會
3:30pm -- 群訪
阿管 時間: 2017-3-14 08:09
明天《喜歡你.This is not what I expected》-男人手冊: 北京電影發布會直播 --
Thank you for the great pictures and the trailer. I really love the scene where Takeshi was walking with the dog, because it shows a really confident body language, especially when the dog was not his to begin with. The one second showed many ideas: 1) He is successful in getting her to date him; 2) he is always in commend, and the doggie responds to that; 3) there is a satisfied swagger in his steps, and leaves much to the audiences' imagination.作者:
阿管 時間: 2017-3-19 20:26 標題: 回復 #77 Rui 的帖子
I have no doubt that Mr Kaneshiro is a real dog lover .